Country living in Old Baden

trompe l'oeil window
This trompe l'oeil (fool the eye) window is painted in a bedroom. The walls have been painted with a faux finish resembling yellow venitian plaster.
Doorway into the Baden countryside.

The trompe l'oeil doorway leads out of the bedroom and into the countryside.
Soft Oriental Mountains

The bathroom was painted in a pinkish-purple below chair-rail height. I chose to tie that color up into the main paintings. This is a type of monotone oriental style painting- focusing on tints (white added) and tones (black added) of one color (magenta). This wall cost about $100. No prepwork was needed- the oriental style painting was done directly on the homeowner's white wall. This is actually an unusual style of painting- 90% of the mural work MUST have some sort of basecoat before details can be added.